• The Elusive “Effortless Experience”

    The Elusive “Effortless Experience”

    “The role of customer service is to mitigate disloyalty by reducing customer effort.” – The Effortless Experience It’s been 3 years since the publishing of “The Effortless Experience,” a book chock-full of research confirming what customers have long found obvious but that too many vendors failed to understand: the path of least resistance is best. Why, then, do so…

  • Case Deflection, Defined & Measured

    Case Deflection, Defined & Measured

    What exactly is deflection, and how do we measure it? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from clients. There is overwhelming evidence that customers want to resolve their own issues via self-service, and doing so is far cheaper for the vendor than assisted service. This is one instance where customer…