Search results for: “Adobe”

  • Professional Bio

    Professional Bio

    Strategic advisor to customer support and employee experience organizations, technology vendors, and system integration firms with a focus on knowledge management (KM), enterprise search, and artificial intelligence (AI). More info: also: Personal Bio and Scott Bideau Photography Advisory services provided under Cephas Innovation, LLC. “Scott is the cream of the crop. He is incredibly insightful…

  • In-Product Help, the Ultimate Self-Service

    In-Product Help, the Ultimate Self-Service

    “1/3 of customers would rather clean the toilet than call customer service.” – 2015 Aspect CX survey For all the considerable investments vendors have made in self-service, customers report only a 45% success rate according to the latest benchmark from the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA).  Most vendors make their customer leave the product, login to a…