David Kay on the KCS Evolve Loop, Measuring Deflection, and More
I had the pleasure of catching up with David Kay to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his consulting firm, DB Kay & Associations. We had fun discussing a wide variety of topics, including what exactly is KCS, how the evolve loop of KCS works, measuring and improving case deflection, and intelligent swarming.
The Past, Present, and Future of KM with John Chmaj
Many consider John Chmaj to be one of the “fathers of Knowledge-Centered Support.” In my interview with him, you’ll see his copy of the first draft of KCS (now called “Knowledge-Centered Service”), learn some great historical context about knowledge management, and hear John’s predictions about the future of KM.
Our Worst KM Mistakes!
Knowledge practitioners share the worst decisions they’ve ever made in Knowledge Management so that you can learn from our mistakes!
KM Best Practices: April 19th, 2022 (Event #3)
In this recording of the April 19th KM Best Practices group meeting, you can hear from: …share the knowledge management best practices that they have observed, created, and enacted that helped them mitigate the unique challenges presented by Covid-19, including the sudden shift to a remote workforce and the resulting effects of the “great resignation.”…
KM Best Practices: Jan 19th Event
In this recording of the January 19th KM Best Practices group meeting, you can hear Jeff Harling, Head of Global Self-Service at Zoom, Monique Cadena, Knowledge & Collaboration Leader at Akamai, and Christina Roosen, Sr. Community Program Manager at Akamai share their combined experience of 50+ years in knowledge management across other companies like Avaya,…
KM Best Practices: Oct 8th Kickoff Event
Join leaders from Microsoft and NetApp to discuss a variety of best practices around knowledge management and customer support in this special web event facilitated by David Kay and Scott Bideau, both seasoned Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) and KM experts. Topics included:
Big Agnes Copper Spur vs Tiger Wall
As a former Steamboat Springs local, I’m a bit biased toward the hometown team of Big Agnes. Having already used their Fly Creek and Copper Spur tents, I was excited to try the blended design of the new Tiger Wall series. But after a couple of test runs, I decided to forego the weight savings…
Freeze-Dried Meals For People With Food Sensitivities and Allergies
I know firsthand how challenging it is to deal with food sensitivities and allergies, especially in the backcountry. So after researching what pre-packaged, freeze-dried meals were compatible with my various medical restrictions, I built a comprehensive chart for the more commonly sold meal packets. Each product listed indicates the presence of major food allergens at…
My Backpacking Gear
I started backpacking in high school with an external frame pack, a 4-pound sleeping bag thrown on top of a heavy foam pad, a tent that would drip condensation on my face nearly every night, and a wardrobe that oftentimes included a cotton shirt tucked into my denim jeans. The Eagle badge on my Boy…
My First Bikepacking Trip
I like biking, camping, and backpacking, so I was sure to enjoy bikepacking. But I didn’t really know much about it or have any specific gear when I decided to give things a try. And thus began a couple weeks of research, several UPS shipments of bags, and one beta test run close to the…